Retro OTRDiary 36 Mother’s Day Crossover with Quest for Truth (retro627)

For the first time ever, we crossover the show between the two main podcasts that Keith records. For those keeping score, those would be HPN Quest for Truth, where it’s listed as episode 167.
Over on Retro Radio Podcast, the show is listed as Retro OTRDiary 36.

Keith introduces the reason for the crossover, and why he thinks that over a half century ago in our history, the topic on the family still holds relevance for families today. The Retrobots help out a little, but we have to wait for a phone call from our co-host, Nathan, to hear his comments. With xommercials snipped, He manages to fill in the gaps.

For our listeners on Quest for Truth, you know Nathan. For those hearing him for the first time, Keith doesn’t think to give any introduction to him, but it might not take much to learn that he’s a Baptist preacher from Arkansas. If you couldn’t guess, you probably will have it figured out before he is finished calling in. Thanks for those insights Nathan.

We really do try to address opposing views, and treat them with all due seriousness and respect, so if you disagree on a point we talk about, tell us. For that matter, if you agree, let us know how well we did.

Besides our observations, here’s a few words on the show, and this Anniversary episode in this milestone soap opera from radio’s golden age.

Main Topic

One Man’s Family – Fifteen Years on the Air. 47-04-27

Unlike most soaps from its day, or ours, the show was steeped in presenting family values. The characters were not perfect. There were rebellious teenagers, divorce, and all manner of turmoil and scandal that was no stranger then or now. But it was never far from celebrating the family as the stronghold of the nation.

The episode reviews its progression through our own nation’s history, starting in the Great Depression. It goes from hard times and struggles, to the fearful dark days when the war loomed. The beloved show touched lives from the housewife to the convict in prison, to the serviceman longing for a piece of home while overseas.

The characters discuss how vital the family is to a strong American nation. For moral strength and Christian integrity. Yes, this is a soap opera, yet its one that stood for strong, conservative values as the crowning glory of the nation.

As you listen, notice the claim that just as surely as empires grow or crumble on the merits, or lack of them in its king. The family is the unit that is that same stabilizing force in our nation. Good citizens are necessary and vital, and it takesgood parenting skills to raise such disciplined children. To lose that is to bring on desolation.

They talk about the difference between the elemental existence of nature. To be born, to reproduce, then to die. Human existence is more rich than that, and is defined by a healthy home life.

As the actors catch up to their modern time in 1947, they had already seen some of their predictions and fears come true. In reading part of the article from Life magazine, more dire predictions were made. Predictions that now lay in our past. Have those family ideals been lost, as those predictions have come to pass?

The four indicators that are mentioned, the ones linked to being in place when the Greek and Roman empires fell are:

  1. Divorce rate. Was 1 in 3. Now is 3 in 5.
  2. Low birth rate. Low population. The claim is it’ll be a danger by 1980
  3. Lack of determining what’s sexually moral. Consider the sexual revolution of the 1960’s, and all that has come since then.
  4. Pparents against kids, and kids against parents. Essentially lack of discipline, respecct, and raising juvenile delinquents. A discipline drain on the nation.

The root concepts the show tries to cover is: Family is the basic cel to teach discipline and ethics.

The family is the origin of all society

Do you agree?

What about the statement that in one generation, the family ethic will be so declined that our society will be swallowed up by the first degenerate outside nation to come along?

Has that happened?

As always, we would love to hear your comments. In the case of this cross over installment, remark on anything your hosts have said, on the radio show, or whether you want to have more showsd or topics like this one.