Quiet Please – Quiet Please. ep43, 480329

Ernest Chapel describes the call of the sea, and the picturesque sights and sounds of life in the seaside villageThe tranquility of the surf, matched to the flint hard life at sea. He remembers his younger, carefree days. Music, laughter, and lights somewhere. A starry night, and a beautiful girl.

The stars bring thoughts of planets, and whether there are other people out there… Or maybe strange sounding Aliens. If there were, would the aliens really be so different? What if they were already among us? Do those other dimensions have wars and troubles as we do? How do winning wars chart history, and which possible outcome would be right?

Earthy pleasures are described. Small things that are taken for granted, and not celebrated. Long past wartime memories return, with the loss and regrets. Forgotten hatreds return with a war bride. What would truly be a war to end all wars? What things of beauty come to mind for Ernest? Who is the enemy who stands to take it all away? What word will the last Martian have for people of this planet?