Ozzie and Harriet – Ozzie and the Hypnotist. ep17, 450128

What’s new in the Nelson home today? The mail is slow, Ozzie brags about his mental ability, a mind like a steel trap, and Harriet recounts a moment on their wedding day. Ozzie lands on the topic of hypnotism, and he’s sure he would make a good hypnotist. A few magic words of mumbo jumbo, but will the cooperative Harriet go to sleep? Trying his hypnotic luck on the maid, Gloria, doesn’t get much different results. Or does it?

Going to seek help in undoing his handiwork, Ozzie visits a psychiatrist, and takes Gloria with him. Joking about mental health along the way, the doctor uses Ozzies mumbo jumbo words and manages to reverse the affect. But we learn a secret about the real occupation of the doctor. Ozzie and Harriet sing, Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Baby?

Still dabbling in hypnotism, Ozzie is warned by Harriet to drop it. Instead, he shifts into a song, and is joined by Harriet, Accentuate the Positive.

Neighbors drop in to show off their fur coat and expensive jewels. Is the meek and mild mannered man just a mouse who is at his wife’s mercy? A little hypnotism from Ozzie could turn Roger into a lion. Has Ozzie learned his lesson on the dangers of mind control? Too bad his control over Harriet doesn’t flow so easily… or does it?