Great Gildersleeve – Investing a Windfall. ep 169, 450520.

Good news lands in Gildy’s lap when he gets notice of his old bank in Wistful Vista sending a balance to his new bank in Summerfield. What will he do with the unexpected windfall? Though each of the family put in their 2 cents on how to splurge, Gildy goes to celebrate by buying cigars from Peavey’s drugstore. Peavey suggests playing it safe, and investing in War Bonds.

Instead, Gildy goes to his new neighbor, and retired businessman for advice in the stock market. Bullard recommends playing it safe, but Gildy won’t hear it. He invests all his money, and then some more, in stocks. Three days later the stock is on the rise… right? Unsettling news comes, and the nervous Gildersleeve has to make a decision about staying in the stock market, or not.

Will he learn a lesson on investing? Though the war in Europe has just ended, there’s still fighting going on in the Pacific. Gildersleeve manages to do the right thing and support his country. And without losing any of his investment… whew.