Dragnet – Big Threat. ep96, 510412

Robbery Detail. A little old man in the neighborhood is beaten senseless, and its time to find the one who did it.

Though the man was seriously beaten, and his lost cash was significant, he doesn’t want to press charges. Is there anything the cops can do if nobody wants to file a crime report? Joe Friday is concerned that if it happened once, what’s to stop it from happening again? He and Ben assure him they can help against the protection racket that is clearly taking place.

There’s enough to go on, and soon Joe has the district attorney involved in the investigation, And takes on new shape. In voiceover, Joe describes finding the suspects, and the case as it develops. It doesn’t put a stop to the brutal beatings in town.

Interviewing the latest victim in his hospital room, the cops get a clearer picture of the details in the beating. Has information about the case leaked out that might have caused this latest assault? On the surface, the cases seem unrelated, but Joe finds connections the more he continues to dig into them.

The robbery trial has opened, but the witnesses have disappeared. The search goes on, even after the trial has been dropped due to lack of testimony. Months pass, and one robber is put behind bars. More time passes, and the pattern of robberies appear again. In voiceover, Joe describes the case progress through months of mundane work. Finally, an informant comes forward with a break in the case.