Abbott and Costello – Going Back to School. ep89, 450301

After a slight wardrobe malfunction, and anticipating their guest, Lou breaks out the skinny jokes. Does Lou compare to Sinatra as a singer? What about in the department of style, fashion, or sex appeal to women? A fan club of the bobby socks set is on hand for Frank.

Connie Haines sings, My Heart Sings. Handlers for Frank begin appearing to be sure he has the right kind of microphone, his nurse takes care of health needs, even telegrams arrive from Sinatra fans to say they’ll be listening. Frank arrives for more thin jokes, and insults from fellow New Jersey boy, Lou. Connie welcomes her old pal Frank. They both sang together with the Tommy Dorsey orchestra. Lou tries to horn in on their reunion date. Frank Sinatra sings, If You Are but a Dream.

Remembering their old school days, Lou and Frank go into flashback mode. The cast become unruly kids, with Alvea Almon as their teacher. Pranks, mispelled words, and mistaken historical facts lead to breaking new material into the act for Bud and Lou. After more classroom hijinx, predictions are made as to how the class members will come out in later life. Lou helps Frank to sing, One Meatball.