An installment of the Mystery Playhouse, and introduced by Peter Lorre. A respected plantation owner, Jeff Hammond, is found murdered and now his trusted employee Robert is in the limelight…
Moaning about his bad luck, Fibber tells about all that went wrong for him today. Molly hears it all, from pajama troubles, to his fountain pen, the news paper, and…
A special show with no visit with the Carters, and no recipe. Just a few carols, and sentimental momentts. Mary Lee facilitates as she introduces Vic Demoan and the Serenaders…
Bob jokes about traveling to the camp. Buglers, Crosby horses, and more military related topics. Craps games, barracks life, mess hall, etc. Francis Langford,with the Six Hits and a Miss…
Putting up her tree, Connie Brooks corrects her landlady, and informs her its called a Friendship tree, instead. Mrs Davis tells about her absent minded sister Angela. What does Connie…
Getting the house cleaned for Christmas, the girls ask to stay up to meet Santa when he comes. Will Phil's plan to dress up be believable? Alice has a gripe…
With the infamy of woman, and the ingratitude of man hanging over his head, Gildersleeve has had little time to think about Christmas. It takes some compassion from his family,…
Ever since Sally left her home in Midland, there has been ill feelings between her father and her husband Jim. Her mom visits, and she compares notes on the trouble…