Lum and Abner – Squire Will Open Rival Theater. 431104

After being rejected as a partner, Squire Skimp threatens to open his own theater. In the Jot Em Down store, Lum worries there isn’t enough business in town to support two movie theaters. Will Squire drive them out of business? Does he have the gents where he wants them?

Lum’s use of the phrase of being where Squire wants them sets off a string of confusions Abner has over such things as, having their hands tied, not knowing where to jump, and others. When grandpap enters, Abner wants to talk to him in private first. He’s sure Lum has been losing his mind, and wants to cushion the blow. Lum admits he’s been being worried half crazy, a poor choice of words that confirm to grandpap and Abner of his mental state.

Changing the topic, grandpap talks about conditions the nation is facing with the war on. Not wasting things, and collecting paper for the government. Besides that, the gents seem assured that it could take Squire months to catch up to them in building a movie theater, or get chairs, and other fixtures he may need. No worries… right? A phone call from Mose Moot may signal that a challenge is on the way.