Greatest Story Ever Told – He That Is Faithful. ep141, 500312

The city of Tiberias was one with prominent artistic craftsmen. Silas is approached by Nathaniel, a merchant. Why the interest in an heirloom that has also caught the attention of king Herod? Will the chalice remain safe in the care of Silas?

Continuing to teach his son on the finer points of carpentry, the family is graced by the Master. The lesson at the Master’s feet, and the mid day meal will be a memorable one. Still, Silas is bothered by his thoughts.

Then it gets worse when Silas injures his hand.
He is suddenly on edge with his family. Will he be able to keep earning a living? Will he be tempted to sell that heirloom? Facing his fears and doubts, Silas is rewarded for his principles.