Burns and Allen – Adolphe Menjou. 440208.

Gracie opens with an important public service announcement, buy war bonds. This morning in the Burns home, Gracie talks to George about their great love affair, and their upcoming anniversary. George suggests that Gracie get rid of their useless maid. All she does is gather gossip while Gracie does all the work. The scene changes to another couple with a famous love affair. Adolph Menjou and his wife. They talk about a movie scene that he is shooting. The maid overhears their staged arguement, and thinks its real. She's the same maid who works for Gracie, and other Hollywood stars.

Our Miss Brooks – Miss Enright’s Dinner. 500205

Boarding the bus on a bright, sunny morning, Miss Brooks can't help but feel chatty. At school though, Conklin is faced with a problem when Miss Enright wants to leave her job to be married. Will the principle be over stepping his bounds to ask Miss Brooks to let Miss Enright have a fair shot at Mr Boynton, and thus entice her to stay on? A new story emerges once Connie has a talk with her rival for the hand of Mr Boynton.

Vic and Sade – Sleepers Beware, Russell. 440204.

Vic and Russel talk about the sleeping flora and fauna that laies dormant on these chilly winter days, only to enter their house to discover Mr Sludge asleep on the davenport. Sade doesn't want the slumbering neighbor to be disturbed, but despite her best effort, Vic and Russel find excuses to enter the room where Mr Sludge is sleeping.