Lum and Abner – The Edwards Observatory. 421005

Love letter woes have corrected themselves, but Lum is still cooking up ideas on making the widow Abernathy fall in love with Prof Sloane.

With grandpap’s help, Abner writes a letter to inquire about a field of jumping beans in Mexico.
Maybe he should ask about a field of frijoles instead. What does he plan to do with his beans once he grows them? Using the almanac, grandpap and Abner figure how much his income will be once he harvests them. Darn it, just Abner’s luck. It’s going to put him over the $25k income limit the government imposed.

Lum arrives with news. It turns out Prof Sloane was already sweet on widow Abernathy. Lum is off the hook of her affections, but where does he stand in getting rid of the school teacher? A new development emerges in a new observatory that is to be built, and named for Lum.