Flash Gun Casey – The Case Of The Switched Plates. 430707.

Casey is in the dark room to develop film, but finds the images are shots that he never took. His wedding photo shoot has been mixed up with candid shots of a highly private affair, in a top secret area. Casey now tries to retrace his steps to figure who he might have gotten his camera mixed up with. When a related murder is reported, Casey finds himself on the edge of danger.

Casey brainstorms and bounces ideas off his policeman friend as he narrows down the possibilities. But Casey does some of his best thinking at the bar. He and Ethelbert share drinks and piano tunes. The conversation at the bar about woman troubles is just the thing to inspire Casey. Casey races off for a photo shoot with a dame that takes him those critical steps closer to the killer, and solving the mystery. Using his charm to sweet talk the ladies, the trail of clues grows.

Is it going to be a hot enough tip? It’s big enough to know that Casey is onto something big. Now he just needs to keep digging up the dirt to expose the proof he needs to crac the big story, and solve the mystery. The dangers and excitement isn’t over yet though, so listen in and tag along as Casey gives the bad guys what’s coming to them.

Note: The original title of this long running series was, ‘Flash Gun Casey’ but later took on other variations, finally ending up as ‘Casey, Crime Photographer.’