Lum and Abner – Cedric’s Love Life. 420616

Grandpap reads out the details… according to the almanac. As Lum takes a phone call from Luke Spears with word on the latest on Cedric’s love life woes, Abner grumbles about the crazy characters, and the stunts that grandpap read about. The gents are concerned that Cedric is wasting away, pining for his lost love with Clarabella.

To interrupt, grandpap reads about more oddball characters from the almanac who fell in love. Might the circus love affair he reads about relate to Cedric somehow? Sassafras! Falling in love with the bearded lady, because she reminded him of his poppa.

Lum checks in on the phone with Dick Huddleston to find Cedric. Grandpap isn’t finished with his crazy facts about the circus love affair, but when Cedric is spotted carrying a rope, and followed by a group of boys, Lum and Abner think the worst. Is he really going to hang himself