Mysterious Traveller – Woman In Black. 470309 (RV35 retro522)

A newspaper repoerter encounders a beautiful, dark haired woman with a single name. Theda. When murders go down, she is always somewhere near by. Bill confronts the known gang leaders. What do they know about the mysterious Theda?

Gomez has survived the shooting, and Bill goes to the hospital. He is surprised to find Theda, and a Gomez who has just died of his wounmds… or has he been poisoned? Back in the news room Bill is on a crusade to bring justice down on the woman. The trouble is that nobody can seem to describe the woman on the scene. Was she a blonde, a brunette, the only constant is that she is beautiful

Facing down Theda, Bill grills her over being a killer. Claiming her innocence in such things, she mysteriously vanishes. Who is this strange woman who leaves a wwake of death in her footsteps? Why does Bill get the feeling he has seen her some place before?

Secrets are about to explode to the surface for Bill. Theda is linked to the ceaths, but not in the way that Bill had thought.

Bonus Track:

Cab Calloway 1947 Two Doors Down, Turn Right


  1. I have heard this one. If you’ve listened to many shows in this genre, it won’t be hard to work out what’s going on, but it’s presented well enough.

    • Keith

      Yeah, it’s predictable within a short time into the show. I blame the 30 minute formatt, and the need to rush the storytelling.

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