Superman – Lost Continent of Atlantis 2of7. ep400, 421211

A great adventure is in store for all our friends. Perry White has agreed to finance an expedition to the bottom of the Atlantic. Professor Cameron takes our heroes down in his submarine to hunt for Atlantis.

Whether they find the lost continent or not, Perry only wants to sell newspapers. Doc Cameron arrives decked out in a diving suit, and hauling even more gear and contraptions to live up to his motto of, Be prepared.

Can only 3 men run the submarine and bathysphere? What’s he going to do with that motorcycle? The crew set sail, and haven’t dived under the waves for hours. The doc explains its to save on battery life for the motors. When the time comes, only Jimmy seems thrilled to see the waves pouring over the porthole and decks. Everybody else just sounds nervous. There won’t be any real trouble with the dive… will there? What if they should need the help of Superman?