Tales From The Shadows – ep5 The Judgement.

A classic story by Franz Kofka, a sunny spring morning turns into nightmare. A traveling Russian is invited to come home again, but worries that his old friends won’t accept him. Will the trip do him good? Has he changed so much that he won’t be liked by his friends anymore?

Through dramatized exchange of letters, friends share news, but will the gossip that’s not said be troubling to the other? What harm could it do? An upcoming marriage, troubles in a family business, and other family changes. Dear old dad has some real problems with this mysterious, unnamed correspondent.

Is the old man being irrational in his explosive responses? Maybe he’s more than a little paranoid, and feeling like he is being brushed aside with the family business dealings. Dad has his own secrets about the friend. Unpleasant feelings between father and son are exposed. What’s the judgement, and who is it for?