Gunsmoke – Change Of Heart. 550903.

Young love comes to Dodge when the backward son of a homesteader, Jerry Cass, is discovered by the sweet young, Bellah. It’s serious enough for a fight to break out over the fair maiden. Matt breaks things up before the skirmish gets out of hand.

Matt’s worries are over when he learns the two combattants are brothers, but not for long. Briscole is the older brother who came back home after their dad died, but Matt can’t help feeling like he’s playing some kind of game with his younger brother’s affections. Both have promised marriage to Bellah, but her behavior only serves to create tension between the brothers. Is there some way Matt can help?

It’s not usually his realm to intervene in the love stuff, but when it threatens to make trouble in his peace keeping duties, he looks into the matter.
Sure enough, Matt finds a copy of the dead father’s will, and a motive for the game playing between the brothers. Through a moment of tragedy, the truth comes out.