Adventures By Morse – Land Of The Living Dead 8of10. 441125

Judith English had escaped, and clues point to having help from Mrs Santos. Exploring the caverns, Judith is found, but her rescuer has slipped away. Tula, the green eyed woman is found, but she’s not responding to questioning. Can she be forced to talk… shamed into talking? Is there still hope to stop the catastrophe?

As the men climb higher on the golden stairway, they also climb higher up the inside of the mountain. Soon they can hear the shouts of the priests on the outside. What can they expect to do in the face of overwhelming odds? How long can they pick off just one monk at a time? From their vantage point, Friday and Skip describe the scene of the temple. Friday holds a secret he knows about Tula, and is sure that she’s helping them out. Mrs Santos is back. Whose side is she on this time? The gun in her hand is enough to enforce her intent to hold the guys prisoner.