Learn about the Ghettysberg Address, and how it came to be. Listen to the closing words, and consider what meaning it still has today. After a visit from radio reporter,…
Martha Smith is comforted in the courtroom by her new husband, as Perry Mason prepares to defend her. The testimony of police Lt Tragg points out the evidence of a…
The show gets a rough start when it's delayed by technical difficulties. A brief musical presentation is presented as listeners wait for the program to start. Once the technical troubles…
With nearly all the bad guys under wraps, Superman flies to take care of the mastermind, and rescue Tumbleweed Jones. To cover his tracks, Chaney is about to drop Tumbleweed…
Learn a little about the laws that ruled the country during the Revolutionary War. It was a time before the Constitution was written. While Dick Tracy believes that he has…
The Bartons are the victims of a high class scam. Valuable diamonds are stolen... or are they? A set of fake diamonds were what was actually taken, but Lamonte Cranston…
A visitor has come to the Gildersleeve home. With the bad weather, its hard to turn out the sickly mama's boy, Oliver to travel back across town. Will he wind…
Doris and Grant are on a European vacation, and looking for a place to stay. A castle that has the appearance of a walled fortress catches their attention. Should they…