Though the entire series has now been posted on the site, Keith finally takes time to talk about this show. This short run, 25 episode soap opera is in mostly…
Eli Jenkins talks about his business woes with his old friend Ben. His old time General feed store doesn't hold up to those fancy new grocery stores with the big…
Audio starts out a little jarring due to a mangled audio tape, but it settles down quickly. The pearl has been recovered, and in the Jot 'Em Down store and…
Marooned on Volcano Island, Clark and Jimmy see a plane fly overhead. Is it another of Doctor Deutsch's radio controlled planes, and what is its mission? As Jimmy falls into…
Audio quality is excellent. It's evening in the Blue Note cafe as Casey gets a good laugh at Ethylbert's idea for a career move. The bar tender wants to try…
At the end of the previous episode, Jimmy had been accidentally locked in a seaplane. Today we find that Doctor Deutsch is to send Clark to a remote island to…
Also called the Manletter Bank Case, or Hunter Street. A secretary is worried that her boss is in trouble, and she goes to get help from Boston Blackie. Is her…
Folks in Dodge laugh at the new breed of horse known as a Quarter Horse. The tormenting of the old horse rancher builds to the point of needing Matt to…
The Summer replacement show for Jack Benny. Jack Paar jokes in a monolog about having a team of gag writers, Democrats, and more. Trudy Erwin, the show's singing talent enters…