George comes home hungry and ready for dinner, but Gracie is still enthralled by her radio detective serial, the Tall Man. Will she be able to pry herself away long…
Garth is a guard at the Tower of London, but a tourist doubts his spooky tale. Together, they climb the tower to examine the old and darkened room. Garth points…
The acting bug seems to have bitten as the town's first annual pageant draws near. Enthusiasm grows as participants practice their parts. Acting as master of ceremonies, and with just…
Business men across the nation are preparing to file taxes. What about Mel? How much does he owe the government? Professor Potchnik enters, but will he be able to help…
Doc talks with Chick and Pete in the drugstore about the big play rehearsals and upcoming production. Mrs O'Malley, the play producer enters in time to issue parts to all…
Playlist: Hosted by bandleader, Fred Waring. Fred's band, the Pennsylvanians sing, Buckle Down Windsocky. Joe E Lewis is on hand to joke around about matters of love. He also sings,…
The time has come for the town beauty contest, and emotions run high. Is Faith such an ugly duckling as she thinks? Will she stand a chance competing against Ella…
Judy opens with that hit classic, Personality. Aunt Aggie has breakfast with Geranium and Judy. A letter from Cactus Junction brings news from home for Judy. After the morning news…