Lum and Abner – Lum Becomes The Proud Owner Of The Silver Mine. 350827.

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Yesterday in Pine Ridge, the stockholders in the silver mine held a secret meeting to complain about Squire’s handling of it. He graciously backed down, leaving Lum holding all the remaining shares, and in full control. Today, Lum is too busy with the silver mine business that he tells Abner to just take Cedric and run the rolling store on their own.

Abner needs Lum to help with the duties, since Cedric will be busy with the driving chores, and besides Cedric isn’t much of a store clerk.

Lum wants the stockholders to buy him office equipment so he can handle the silver mine affairs properly, but there may not be a lot of money for that. Lum is wrapped up in his new silver mine, and how to pay himself. With funds tight, he wants to take a draw on his half of the groceries in the store, but Abner doesn’t want to go that route.

A phone call to grandpap is made. Maybe he can fill in to help Abner? Squire stops in, and Abner decides to make the rounds in the store with Cedric. Maybe.

Squire wants to make sure that he is totally, and legally out of responsibility from the silver mine. Squire has a letter that Lum will need to send to the stockholders to document the transition. Lum reads the letter aloud. It seems OK, but I bet Squire’s deal will return to bite Lum on the butt.

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PS: Wow, Lum’s behavior in expecting a salary from the overextended stockholders is just the thing to sink that leaking boat. He needs to be willing to work for free while the mess is fixed, then reap the benefits of a healthy business. But, I don’t think it will get that far as the future of the mine unfolds in the next few episodes.