Lux Radio Theater – The Show Off (Great Gildersleeve, Una Merkel). 430201 (retro530)

Greetings from Hollywood. Harold Peary, or the Great Gildersleeve, is cast in this hit play from the theater as Aubrey Piper.

Talk, talk, talk. The women folk of the house gossip about the blustery show off who is driving the household crazy. Pop and Joe aren’t thrilled with the nosey man either, but everybody is too polite to turn Aubrey away. The boisterous big man is a little too familiar as he intrudes on the picturesque snapshot of the small town family life. Aubrey sings a few bars of the old classic, Many Brave Hearts Are Asleep in the Deep. Will he make any progress with young Amy Fisher? Despite the talk, bluster, and showing off, she is a little sweet on the man. We find that Aubrey isn’t as successful on the job as he lets on. Does he make enough money to get married, and set up his prospective household? Amy has burned her bridges, and leaves home to get married.

Time passes, and Amy has learned the true,, lowly state of her man. How will the bills be paid? Will Aubrey’s big investment ideas launch them into success? Will help come from the Fisher family? Mom has had enough of the windbag,, and his fast talk. Will Joe Fisher lend his support to investment ideas? Zipping along in a borrowed car, Aubrey has trouble talking his way out of a traffic ticket with a cop. Maybe it’s time for Amy to take a more humble approach to ask for a loan from the family. Aubrey arrives to tell his version of the truth of his arrest, injuries, and circumstances of his run in with the law. How will the struggling couple manage to pay the bail of $1k? That’s about the cost of a little love nest that they might be wanting to buy for themselves. Despite it all, Aubrey insists that Amy shouldn’t go to work to earn extra cash. A huge sale, with a sweet commission is all it’s going to take to save the day. Simple… right? This could be one of his bad days.

In the courtroom, Aubrey faces his day on trial. Despite the worsrt of it all, and the collapse of his financial status, Amy has no regrets in marrying her man. It will all work out. She has high hopes about the outcome. The aftermath is told in the newspaper court report column as the family reads from it. Though the family is down on him, and troubles abound, Aubrey hasn’t yet had the wind beaten out of him. In fact, some last moment news comes in to save the day in the charmed life of the ever upbeat blow hardEven better, his investment has paid off enough to bail him out of his legal woes, set him up in that new house, and maybe even roll some over into neew investments.

Bonus Track:
Connie Haines 431202 My Heart Tells Me.

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