Lum and Abner – Property Deal Goes Sour. 420525

After Lum and Abner had been stuck with some worthless property, Cedric had learned about the fake letter that lured them into the sale. He refuses to believe it’s a fake, and is determined to dig for the buried treasure.

In the Jot ‘Em Down store, Squire Skimp enters to gloat about his victory over Lum, and the bad business move. Even if Lum can prove Squire’s shady doings in the deal, will he be able to get out of the sale on the property? Cedric shares a private word with Squire about the silver dollars that he has been digging up on that worthless land. Is there actually treasure there? Will Squire do some back pedalling, and let Lum sell him the land back?

Justice has a cute way of getting done, and Cedric tells Lum and Abner about the treasure he found after Squire makes his hasty exit with the deed.