Lum and Abner – Squire Contacts a Hindu Miracleman. 411024.

Audio is good, but cuts out in a few spots. Previously, Lum has arranged with Squire for a plan to heal his fake broken leg, and get clear of his fraudulent insurance check.

In the Jot ‘Em Down store Lum talks to abner about Squire and his typically shady doings. Abner is doubtful that Lum should go through with the plan, but it’s the only way out as far as Lum sees it. It’ll only cost Lum $500 to pay for the Hindu miracle man to come in. They gents discuss the wierd things Hindu miracle men do, like standing on one foot for a long time, laying on a bed of nails, and walking on a bed of coals. Hey, it might be worth that money to see stunts like those.

Squire enters to say the miracle man is on the way, and to go over some of the arrangements for his arrival. The audio gets a little rough, but Squire also gets Lum to endorse the fraudulent insurance check, the theory being to make it official that it’s going to be returned, but Squire seems awfully eager to get a share of the money from the check.