Nick Carter, Master Detective – Substitute Bride. ep32, 431117

Antique magnifying glass with handle.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

An old friend visits Nick Carter. Marvin is looking for his bride, who had been out of the country, and expected to return a few days ago. Alice Evans is reported to be registered in a hotel, but is it the right girl? Has 3 years changed her?

Nick mobilizes Riley, Patsy, and Penny to search for a missing Mr Winslow, then he puts Alice to the test to see if she’s telling the truth. Further tracing where Alice was, and when, Nick develops a better picture of the truth. Holes are blown in the timeline, and cover ups are detected. What does it mean?

More contacts are made, more lies exposed, and now it’s time to make the bad guys squirm. The fake Alice Evans is on the move, but danger could be looming for Patsy if Nick doesn’t back off. The trouble lies in under estimating a master detective. Attempted murder, kidnapping, and some justified roughing up to teach the crooks a lesson.


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