Lum and Abner – Cedric’s License Plate Stolen. 420302

A vintage advertisement for the radio show "Lum and Abner." It features black and white illustrations of two characters, each with distinct facial expressions. The text encourages listeners to "Listen and Laugh" and indicates the show airs "4 DAYS—EACH WEEK." The advertisement mentions sponsorship by Alka-Seltzer and One-A-Day Vitamin Tablets. It includes the station name "WAGA" and lists the broadcast times as "8:15 EWT-P.M.-7:15 CWT."

Lum’s air raid warden duties haven’t turned up any dangers from the sky, but they are beginning to uncover suspicious activities from Diogenes Smith. Mousey continues to watch at night, but his reports are only full of the hoot owl activity. Abner has been doing his own detective work to track down Cedric’s suspicious activity. Is it just that Cedric is a secret deputy for Diogenes Afterall? Or might there be something else afoot?

Is Lum’s Circulation Manager job at stake? Is there something shady about the pamphlets on honesty? Is Cedric actually bright enough to be part of a mastermind spy or sabotage plot? That snake in the weeds!

Abner gets slightly confused over money being the root of all evil. Suddenly the shocking news comes in… Cedric is in jail! Still Lum believes it’s a set up.