Great Gildersleeve – Bessies Vacation. 1957

Container of popcorn on a table with a film reel.
Movie Popcorn

Featuring Willard Waterman as the Great Gildersleeve. In the office of the Water Commissioner, Gildersleeve and Bessie make preparations for her to leave on vacation. So why is she crying?

Commercial time. A Public Announcement related to G-men, and what they do.

Later in Peavey’s drugstore, Gildy picks up a few first aid and camping supplies. Since Bessie had no real plans to do anything, Gildy has taken it on himself to take her to a camping trip to the mountains. Leroy, Birdie, and Bessie’s boyfriend Hector joins the fun on the trip. Skiing, and winter sports are the name of the game, but Bessie and Gildy find themselves seated together on the ski lift when it breaks down and leaves them stranded together.

Commercial time. A Public Announcement to promote further education for soldiers. See your education officer today.

It seems that Bessie’s fear of the great outdoors is echoed by Hector, but they’re too afraid to admit it to each other. Now on the downhill slopes, the gang all ski along together. Wow, now that’s a neat trip, even for experienced skiers. It’s pretty hard to carry on casual conversations while racing downhill like that.

Back at the lodge, the activities turn to ice skating. What other antics and troubles with our gang get mixed up in? Listen in and enjoy.

Commercial time. A word of naval history is shared.

In epilog and back in town, Gildy has to humble himself as he returns to Peavey’s to pick up some of that liniment that he refused to buy earlier.

Note: Not sure what the exact date on this episode is, sometime in winter of 1957, but with Willard Waterman, and a new writing staff, it sure has a different flavor to it. Though Dick LaGrand is credited, it sounds to me like someone else is playing the part of Peavey.