Candy Matson – The Fort Ord Story. ep54, 501009

Antique magnifying glass with handle.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Candy gets a phone call from an old pal who is a soldier. He asks her to attend a military party. Sounds innocent enough, but a mystery lurks beneath the surface.

She goes to talk to her old friend Rembrandt Watson to extend the invitation to him for the military ball. What’s a girl to do? Shopping for the perfect ball gown works, not to mention stopping off to talk to her sometimes boyfriend, Police detective Ray Mallard. He just might be a little jealous, but let’s Candy know it in a special way.

Candy learns that she has been set up to be the star attraction in a fund raiser. Though she is less than thrilled over it, the situation is about to get worse. As she goes to meet Rembrandt, she discovers a body, sprawled over the railroad track, and with a train speeding down on him. Not that it would matter much since the man turns out to be a dead body.

True to her word, and to support the troops, Candy still heads out to the party, but only after reporting the dead man to the local cops. She dances the night away, and takes a break with one of the soldiers in attendance. He shows his true colors when he roughs her up, and knows an awful lot about her incident with finding the body earlier.

She recovers by taking a midnight stroll with a Military Policeman, and just her luck, she finds yet another body on the beach. It’s the guy who smacked her around at the party. What’s going on with this mystery?

As she returns inside after all her ordeal, a shadowy figure emerges from the corner of the room that Candy is in. Who is this psychotic guy? Will Candy manage to escape his clutches? And what has been his purpose for his killing spree?

Don’t worry, all the dots will be connected to explain all the questions and secrets behind the killer leaving his special calling cards.

PS: See what you get when you’re elected as Queen of the Ball? Note to self, no more acceptance of offers to be Queen.

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