Whitehall1212 – Murder Of Peter Amory. 520224

Assorted law enforcement badges and photographs on a textured background, representing government and police officials.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Visiting a crime of 30 years ago, a 32-year-old Peter Amery looked much older than his years, and wife just 4 years younger than he. In voiceover, details are shared of the wife running into the street, screaming for a doctor, and the events that got the investigation started. Testimonies are recorded, as the Scotland Yard inspectors gather information. Might Mrs. Amery be covering something up? Witnesses have seen the killer fleeing the scene.

Neighbors recount hints of marital troubles between the Amery’s. Mrs. Amery is universally beloved in the community, but not so much can be said for her husband. Who is the young man named Westlake? A sailor, a friend, her brother, or some other relationship connected to the couple? The young, 20-year-old is turned up. Was he out at sea when the crime went down, or not??

Troubling details include the question of why Mrs. Amery was concerned the killer who was seen fleeing, might be recognized. Flaws in her story are tested. A confrontation with Westlake turns explosive, and confessions are forth coming. The torrid romance is exposed, the mystery revealed, but will a possible blackmail scheme do any good to shift blame?