Sherlock Holmes – The Paradol Chamber. ep177, 450521

A black and white checkered deerstalker hat with ear flaps and a visor.

Watson recounts an evening in 1887, when he was relaxing with his new bride. They discuss possible family investments. Is it a fraud, or a new and revolutionary invention? John thinks it has to be a fraud, since the doctor who invented it is actually a woman. Mrs. Watson insists on witnessing the machine in action. Is it really possible to travel in the 4th dimension? Time?

Racing home, will the Watson find the personal papers waiting for them? At Baker Street, Holmes has been reclusive, and deep into his own projects. What will he have to say about travel in the 4th dimension, and the new metal that makes it possible?

Of course, the fraud is clear to Holmes, and together they go to the woman doctor’s, after hours, to do some snooping. Where will the mystery go, when her dead body is found in her lab, inside the locked metal chamber? Moriarty’s hand soon becomes evident. Holmes has a trick up his sleeve in escaping the locked chamber, but it was Mrs. Watson who really saved the day.