Sherlock Holmes – On the Flanders. ep176, 450514

A black and white checkered deerstalker hat with ear flaps and a visor.

By the days the first world war broke out, the careers of Holmes and Watson were about over. However, they came out of retirement to take on this case at the battle front. Holmes doesn’t rely on powers of deduction to explain to Watson, their driver is an actor, and friend of Mycroft. In the command post, greetings are had all around as papers are verified. The general looks forward to the entertainment troupe, and the performance. So, why is Holmes present so close to the front lines?

A mysterious message has drawn the star away from the show, but Holmes steps up to fill in. The show must go on! On stage, Holmes delivers the Shakespearean lines to applause inside, and distant gun fire outside. An attempted murder has been committed with a German pistol.

A plot of espionage is revealed. How much military information has been leaked? One good betrayal deserves another, and Holmes reveals how he turned matters around for the general, the surprise attack, and the fate of a spy.