Lum and Abner – Lum Rents Out The Library. 420119

Chet Lauck and Norris Goff wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera. Sitting in front of a radio microphone, one holding a script and the other adjusting his glasses -

Lum has been trying to get Abner to cave in and hire him back, but at the same time Abner is trying to maintain his firm stance to hold Lum to his word. Instead, Abner has hired Mousey to help run the store. Was it a wise choice?

Listen in to hear the complaints that Abner shares with grandpap. Is Abner about to cave in, and let Lum have his place back in the partnership? All he wants is for Lum to be humble and ask for his job without all his tricks that he has been using to appeal to Abner’s emotions. Lum still has a plan. He claims that though he deeded over his part of the store, he still owns his interest in the library. Maybe grandpap can help with the posturing, and act as mediator to settle the rift in the friendship.