Lum and Abner – Lum Must Try Himself. 420123

Chet Lauck and Norris Goff wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera. Sitting in front of a radio microphone, one holding a script and the other adjusting his glasses -

Lum has been arrested after being caught breaking into the Jot ‘Em Down store. Today we find him still being held under Marshal Henry Lunsford’s care. The ever watchful, and strict lawman tries to run his jail by the book. Not having any prisoners before in Pine Ridge, he tries to run the tiny jail like a big-time prison.

The case against Lum is flimsy enough, and his whole case hinges on the letter he wrote to deed over his part of the store to Abner. At every turn, Squire has a hand in stirring up trouble. But where could that letter be?

Abner is ready to make up with Lum, and wants to rip up that letter. There’s just a little complication with that plan, even though Lum has had the letter in his possession for several days now. We also learn that Lum is in the position of putting his own case on trial since he’s the Justice of the Peace.