Let’s Pretend – The White Cat. 520816

A fairy sitting on a flower blossom, with her wings spread out and a wand in her hand. The flower is vibrant purple and the fairy has a mischievous smile on her face.

Without the usual opening formalities, we get right to the story. It’s a story about an old king’s with three sons, and they each face a challenge to see which one will be worthy to take over the kingdom. With help from a talking white cat, Kenneth is given magical charms to finish his ordeal. After a year of their travels, all the brothers return to show off their treasures. Kenneth wins, but he’s too humble to accept the kingship.

More challenges are done to give his brothers a shot at the throne. Each round of the challenge lasts a year, and more items are added to their list of goodies to retrieve. Being an AFRS presentation, a musical interlude is inserted in the middle of the show.

Back to the story. Again, Kenneth wins the contest with his magical charm that has been given him, but he doesn’t want to rule the kingdom. There’s still one last challenge, to find a girl to marry, and help in ruling the kingdom. When the year is up, the brothers return with brides, but all Kenneth returns with is his white cat. Imagine everyone’s surprise over a talking cat! But wait for her strange and tragic request. Happy surprises wait for all.

Note: If you couldn’t tell, this is actually one of the many tales in the Arabian Nights. Names have been modified from their Middle Eastern ones so English-speaking kids can relate better.