Jack Benny – Margie. 470126

A black and white photograph of Jack Benny, a man in a suit and tie, standing against a plain background. He is looking off to the side with a slight smile on his face, and his hands are clasped in front of him. Benny was a comedian and actor, best known for his radio and television shows in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. The photograph conveys a sense of classic Hollywood glamour and style, with Benny's sharp features and piercing blue eyes on prominent display.

Always striving for a serious career as a serious actor, Jack wants to change his name from Jack to John. How will Mary, Don, and Dennis handle the request? Maybe Dennis will change his name too. Will Phil stop calling him Jackson? Even Rochester gets in on the name game. He has news on what the dealer is offering for the Maxwell. Dennis sings, Falling in Love is Easy.

Margie was a popular movie, and it’s the latest target for Jack and the gang to spoof. Mary plays Margie, and she and Jack play an old couple who remember long ago times in school. There comes a time for every man to have that talk with his little boy. Don is that little boy, and Jack tells him the secret of life, which doubles as the sponsor’s message.

Moving along, and right into flashback, Mary is a graduating high school student, and Jack is her school teacher. In the school room, the scene of unruly kids includes the cast, and Jack’s exam questions set up the kind of jokes he used to feature in some of his early seasons when he did comedy routines set in a class room. The Sportsmen brothers, Mr Kitzel, Mel Blanc, and Frank Nelson all join the kiddies in the class for smart aleck come backs.