The Great Gildersleeve – Ann Tuttle Is Back In Town. ep270, 480107

Harold Peary at the microphone, wearing a suit and hat. A black and white photograph of Harold Peary, a man in a suit and tie, smiling and looking off to the side. He is standing in front of a plain background, with his hands in his pockets. Peary was a comedian and actor, best known for his role as "The Great Gildersleeve" on radio and television in the 1940s and 1950s. The photograph conveys a sense of classic Hollywood glamour and style.
Harold Peary in his heyday as the Great Gildersleeve.

In Summerfield, it’s Winter and Gildersleeve argues with Leroy about shoveling the walk. When he spots a cute woman out front, and recognizes her as Ann Tuttle, a visitor to town during the previous year, Gildy takes back the shoveling job in an attempt to impress her.

Ann Tuttle is the cousin of Gildy’s rival and neighbor, Bullard. Judge Hooker happens along, and the two gents battle it out for the fair maidens affections. Ann doesn’t seem to notice though. Why is she back in town? A question that no one seems to be asking.

Gildy pops in at Peavey’s to arm himself with candy and flowers, and is surprised that Peavey isn’t poking his nose into his business and asking about the tokens of love that Gildy is buying. One thing that Gildersleeve learns is that Leroy forgot to deliver a love note. That won’t hurt Gildy’s chances with Ann, will it?

Gildersleeve gets all spiffy for dinner once he learns that Ann took him up on his offer. Birdie let’s Gildy know how she feels about the demands made on her for the evening. But even the kids fall under the demands of Gildy and get upset. Is it worth it? Dinnertime comes and goes, and just when Gildersleeve is feeling low and depressed, Ann shows up.

But wait, the perfect evening isn’t over and there’s plenty of room for things to go wrong for our love-struck hero.