Greatest Story Ever Told – And Her Name Was Mary. ep45, 471130

Depiction of Jesus Christ in a purple robe, reaching out with one hand.

The first installment of a 5-part Christmas serial in this production that spanned through much of the life of Jesus. Artistic liberties are taken, and few biblical truths appear. However, the fictional account does portray the social and political climate of the time very well.

We find Joseph the carpenter in Galilee, talking to a friend named Simon. Will Joseph be convinced to walk away from his little shop, and join the growing rebellion against the ruling king? Simon begins a voiceover sequence to take us behind the scenes of king Herod.

Herod isn’t concerned about his tyrannical rule over the people. The only way to keep the people in their place, and stay in the good graces of the Roman Empire is to make his iron grip stronger. How deep does the rebellion run against his treachery and terrible ways? Even his own son is against him.

Back in Joseph’s shop, Simon put Joseph under pressure to be loyal to his kinsmen, and join the rebellion against the Edomite king. Why won’t Joseph go for it? Is it just for the love of a good woman? Even Simon has to agree, there’s something special about Mary.

Note: The bible supports the facts that Joseph and Mary were a couple to be married… That he was a carpenter… That Herod was an Edomite who managed to get himself appointed king. Herod was ruthless and tyrannical. Other histories fill in other details to address the killing of his own son, and anyone else who might stand in his way. Rebellions and uprisings existed, but most of the story vehicle and dialog is entirely contrived. Not bad. The story is well done. It just pays to be aware of where the fiction starts, and which are real, non-Press settingnegotiable, known facts.