The Cinnamon Bear – The Wooden Indian. ep19, 371217 (RetroPlus)

Holiday-themed sugar cookies on a brown surface. There are cookies shaped like stars and Christmas trees, lightly dusted with powdered sugar. The cookies have a soft, buttery appearance, and the background accentuates their pale color.

Transcript: Episode 19

Silent Photoplay Blog

Judy: Barbara Jean Wong
Jimmy: Unknown
Cinnamon Bear (Paddy O’Cinnamon): Buddy Duncan,
Crazy Quilt Dragon: Joseph Kearnes.
Cy Kendall as Chief Cook and Bottle Washer (Indian Chief)

No sooner do the cowboys leave, than our heroes are being chased by Indians. After being cornered, our heroes bravely decide to turn and face their attackers, only to find a lone wooden Indian. He is willing to trade, but is his price too high? With Christmas getting closer, will our gang get the Silver Star repaired in time? Even more trouble arises when they run into the Wintergreen Witch again.

Note: Various goodies, including