The Cinnamon Bear – Santa Claus. ep22, 371220 (RetroPlus)

Holiday-themed sugar cookies on a brown surface. There are cookies shaped like stars and Christmas trees, lightly dusted with powdered sugar. The cookies have a soft, buttery appearance, and the background accentuates their pale color.

Transcript: Episode 22

Silent Photoplay Blog

Judy: Barbara Jean Wong
Jimmy: Unknown
Cinnamon Bear (Paddy O’Cinnamon): Buddy Duncan,
Crazy Quilt Dragon: Joseph Kearnes.
Jack Frost – Unknown
Lou Merrill as Santa Claus

The mystery of who and why they visit the wintery land in the north is revealed. Jim and Judy visit with Santa Claus, who agrees to look over the Silver Star and try to repair it before Christmas. Not only that, but Santa promises to overhaul the tattered Crazy Quilt Dragon. The twins and Cinnamon Bear even get to ride in Santa’s sleigh, as they take a tour of his toy shops. As well as the day has gone, it ends on a down beat. Can you believe it? the Silver Star is missing again.

Note: Here’s a nice overview and history of The Cinnamon Bear.