Mr. Keen – The Case Of The Two Faced Murderer. 500216

Antique magnifying glass with handle.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

One of the most famous characters of radio fiction, Mr Keen is on the case of another mystery.

In a suburban cottage, a man and woman have a spat, when suddenly there’s a face in the window. The man goes to investigate and is gunned down. The woman takes her case to Mr Keen. Might this be a case of unrequited love from an old flame of the woman’s? That could be just too convenient.

Mr Keen isn’t so easily fooled, and at this point even the young bride isn’t cleared as a suspect. Conveniently the old flame phones Mr Keen and is willing to tell his side of the story. Before you know it, suspicious characters are popping out of the woodwork. The old flame with unrequited love. His wife who may or may not hold jealousy in her heart against the new widow. The wife, who could have other motives that have yet to emerge. You know how these things go, three suspects, plenty of circumstantial evidence, and hidden secrets and agendas. Listen for all the clues and see if you can pin down who did it before Mr Keen does.

The mystery won’t be over until all the clues are hunted down by Mr Keen and his side kick Mike. All the obvious facts are examined, and the bad guy is exposed in the twist ending. Hey, there’s a good reason for the show title of a Two-Faced Murder.