Fibber McGee and Molly (NBC) Mailing Christmas Packages. 401210

A festive image of a vintage Santa Claus holding a large sack of toys over his shoulder, with a snowy background and the words "Spread the Christmas Spirit" written in bold white letters above.

On the way to get packages in the mail early, Fibber and Molly take stock of their gifts. First, a phone call to the operator, Mirt, reveals a young relative who had her face lifted. Fibber gets confused over casseroles, camisoles, and a gift for a relative.

Gildersleeve pops in to report on Mrs. Gildersleeve. Will he be flustered with the ribbing he gets from Fibber? Stamping at the Savoy McGee talks about his old job at the post office, then Billy Mills plays some smooth dance music to travel to.

The lines are long, and the packages are heavy, but Fibber won’t be getting any privileges to cut to the head of the line. Mrs. Upington is on hand with her dog FeFe. Teeny tells about her letter to Santa, and help with the man next door that she made mad at her. Despite the immovable line, Harlowe Wilcox manages a sponsor message.

The Old Timer appears, and talks about a lost sister. She returns to take a delivery of mail by pony express, then the Kingsmen sing, Hilda.

A man has been standing on Fibbers foot, actually Hal Peary, but the matter is settled cordially. Boomer makes an appearance in line. Let me see now… where did he put that letter, he needs to mail… Ah, what’s this? Just about anything else but his letter. What’s the delay? Molly is about ready to give up, but they are next… sort of.