Dragnet – The Big Dig. ep277, 541207

Assorted law enforcement badges and photographs on a textured background, representing government and police officials.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

The story you are about to hear is true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

homicide department. A woman is reported missing and is suspected of being murdered, he and partner, Frank Smith get busy investigating.

Blood stains are found at the home, and Friday goes to interview the husband, Mr Shane at work. The man tells a story of a jealous sister in-law, who wants to make trouble for him. He claims that he doesn’t know where his wife went. Just that she might have gone back east to be with family or friends. When the bloodstains prove to be human blood, the pressure is put on.

The circumstantial evidence all points to the husband, but when the forensic experts report in, it looks like Friday may have the wrong man. More questioning leads to an alcoholic with some unstable emotional trouble. How does he fit into the picture? You know what to do, download the show and listen in.