Archie Andrews – The Red Cross Benefit. 470315

antique audio equipment, Fotolia, jukeboxes, music, nostalgic old record players, songs, sounds, tunes, vintage
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Dad is happily reading his newspaper, and doesn’t want to share any of the sections with Archie. To get rid of him, dad slips Archie some cash to see a movie. Though Archie couldn’t budge him, mom comes in with a chore to get dad moving. Veronica’s mom phones to invite Mary and Fred to a party to support the Red Cross. Fred doesn’t want to go, but mom gives him the strokes he needs to change his mind.

Dad tries to practice his comedy routine for the party, but the noise in the house drives him nuts. By now, Archie has returned from his movie, and contributes to the noise level. Archie comes into the kitchen with a crying fit, so mom makes dad apologize to him. It’s just onions though.

Between onions, and noise, will dad ever get his practice in? Not when Jughead comes over and helps Archie do their best Al Jolson impersonations. Betty comes over to referee the guys. Veronica visits to talk with the giggly Archie, and makes Betty jealous. The argument leaves Archie without a date. Meanwhile, dad is looking forward to an enjoyable evening at the Lodge’s Red Cross Party.

The party begins to run dry, so it’s up to Fred Andrews to save the day with his funny stories. Even at the party, dad gets upstaged when Archie and Jughead take their Al Jolson minstrel show on the road, or at least to Veronica’s house. Despite all the annoying attempts at singing earlier, Archie does a pretty decent job at singing the Jolson hit, Sonny Boy.