The Shadow – League Of Death. 380109

A black and white illustration of "The Shadow" character from the 1930s pulp fiction and radio series, featuring a dark-cloaked figure with a fedora and scarf covering most of his face, except for his piercing eyes and prominent nose. He stands with his hands at his sides, looking off to the side with a serious expression. The background is a textured, cloudy sky.
Artwork for the cover of Garth Ennis' The Shadow vol. 1, 4 (July 2012

A courtroom decision puts a man behind bars, but Lamonte Cranston and Margot Lane think it’s a case for the Shadow to be involved with. The sentenced man leaves a family with a baby, and a teenage girl named Maria, who is jaded on the merits of protection under the law. Poor judgements, and lawyers that drain every cent from the poor family. Lamonte goes to try to encourage the girls confidence in her governmental officials.

Murder and revenge loom large in the air, and it looks like Miss Sullivan’s only hope will come from the Shadow.

Mobsters kidnap Miss Sullivan because they think she knows too much about the big boss. Whatever she claims to know is the same thing her dad knew, and was sent to prison for. As the Shadow tries to protect her, he also learns the secret, and sets out to bring down the big boss.