The Adventures of Philip Marlowe – The Eager Witness. ep47, 490827

Gerald Mohr in 1951. A black and white photograph of Gerald Mohr, a man in a suit and tie, posing in front of a microphone with headphones on. He is holding a script in one hand and appears to be in the midst of speaking or recording. The background is dark and nondescript, with no discernible details.

Earl Jernigan is a bookie who manages to slip off the hook in court rooms. Today though finds Marlowe testifying in a murder case that could be the end of the slick man. Marlowe tells how he was approached as a potential body guard for parties involved. Will there be some surprise evidence to clinch the case for the defense? A hysterical dame ends the proceedings for the day.

Gayle wants to hire Philip to work for her to dig up lies. Blackmail, cover ups with ex-wives, but how does it tie in with a drive by shooting with hot lead flying at Marlowe, Nd the case in court? in the country, Philip snoops, but comes face to face with a city boy holding a gun. Taking advantage of a distraction is the thing Marlowe needs to turn the tables, and dish out his own thump on the head.

As Marlowe speeds to his real destination, and a luxury pool, there’s a scream, and he has to pull a dame from the waters. her dyeing words send Marlowe on the trail of the letter that could expose a snake in the bush. There’s still danger afoot, and incriminating clues to discover. Rounding up all the shady characters together, Marlowe confronts them with the clues, but the epilog comes in the courtroom where Marlowe shares all he knows. how did he figure it all out? now its Philips turn to be the witness on the stand to seal the fate of the defendant.