Little Orphan Annie – Diamonds. ep1537, 1936

The image is a colorful, minimalist illustration of a dog with a light green head, white body, and black spots. The dog's ears are dark red, its nose is black, and its tongue is red, hanging out to one side. It has large, round white eyes with a black dot in the center. The dog is sitting upright with a lifted paw and a curved black tail. The background is solid blue.

The friendly natives had appointed Annie and Joe as queen and king of the island. Today, Annie, Joe, and their friend Bob watch and describe the celebrations. Joe is worried at how he’ll do at king. Bob and Mr Wilcox comment on how the natives thought it was magic when Annie brought them fresh drinking water. Will Zipidi and the natives be trustworthy enough to provide Annie with a bodyguard?

Chief Zipidi arrives, dressed in his best feathered robe. As our heroes arrive at the ceremony, speeches begin, and the drums and chanting stop. After the chief is finished, should Annie give a speech too? Leaping lizards, the natives have presented feathered cloaks for their new queen and king.

The cloaks seem to be embedded with diamonds. Is this something that could help with the radio set that Annie and her friends are trying to build?