Bold Venture – Opium Smugglers and Young Girl or White Envelope or Six Crates Of Apples. ep3, 510409

anchors, boating, Photographs, transportation

In Shannon’s place, King Moses documents the lack of business in song. Trouble comes in when Slade has to defend the honor of a dame who is being treated rough by her date. We learn about smugglers, and the invoice that would provide the paper trail cover up they needed. What happened to the invoice? The girl slipped it into Slade’s coat pocket during the scuffle.

As Sailor learns about the girls emotional problems, and the situation of the missing invoice, body counts are sure to rise. On the water front, Slade confronts the smugglers. Will he be able to swing a deal with them?

The guns come out, and in the tense scene, Slade gets more details of the operation. Will he and Sailor meet their end at the hands of the gangsters? It’s Sailor’s distraction that gives Slade the opening he needs to turn the tables.

Notable Quote:

Bacall: What was that you were saying?
Bogey: Why, I said I could kiss you. I lost my head.
Bacall: It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.