The Whistler – The Brass Ring. ep225, 460916

Gas station fuel pump nozzle with splash-back guard.

The scene is set in the carnival atmosphere of the circus. Mr Bundy is a wealthy older man who has taken a shine to Georgia, or Babe, as she is known in her act. Will he swoon her, and cause her to leave the life of a circus to run away and join a town? Duke isn’t thrilled to have his star act run out on him.

A prenuptial agreement is drawn up for Georgia to give the marriage a six month try out. It was a fun ride while it lasted, but Georgia realizes that the circus is her life. Charles Bundy has become so attached to her though, he wants to run away with her. Can Babe tolerate the attachment of having Charles follow her around, doting on her? The only way to end it is for… you know… she has to kill him.

Life in the carnival turns out to be thrilling for Charles, making him feel like a boy again. A dare makes for a peculiar accident just at a dangerous point on a roller coaster. Will the cops write it off as an accident? An added bonus for Georgia is that she’s free of the clingy Charles, and he has left her all his fortune. Has her sudden windfall of wealth driven a wedge between Babe and the rest of the carnival crew? Who is that new stranger, sitting in the place that Mr Bundy used to occupy, and what does he want from her?

The Whistler reveals those secrets, along with a further strange twist to the story.


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