Lum and Abner – The Prince Learns About Squire. 411103

Lum and Abner, going over the script.

Lum is upset over the mess that he has caused over his lies. After the success of the fake Hindu Miracle man doing his work to heal Lum’s fake broken leg, Squire wanted Lum to encourage all the townsfolk with broken bones to pay to be healed. Lum just can’t go through with it, and gets on the party line to come clean to everybody about his lies.

feeling better, he gets a visit from the fake miracle man who puts on pressure to play along with the scam. Then when Lum shares how much he paid Squire, and how little the fake prince got for his efforts, all deals are off. How will the prince take the news? Let’s just hope that Squire can run fast.


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